Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED1 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo C:\PROGRA~1\NETSCAPE\NAVIGA~1\PROGRAM Shockwave for Director - SetupA Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup; Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup> Shockwave for Director - Setup SETUP.TXT Shockwave for Director - Setupa Select Yes to accept all the terms of this license agreement and to continue the installation.b Shockwave for Director - SetupaV Welcome to Shockwave for Director! Copyright (c) 1996 Macromedia. All rights reserved. 1. Install Shockwave for Director.A 2. Read README.TXT.A 3. UnInstall Shockwave for Director.A Shockwave for Director - Setupa INSTALLATION NOTES: - Default directory: \PROGRA~1\NETSCAPE\NAVIGA~1\PROGRAM - A custom destination directory should contain: NETSCAPE.EXER Starting the Installation.K 1. Install Shockwave for Director.! Installing Shockwave for Director.d \PLUGINS NPSKWAV.DLL \PLUGINS$ \NPSKWAV? \PLUGINS \PLUGINS$ \NP32DSW$ \XTRAS DISK1a \PLUGINS$ \NP32DSW: Shockwave for Directora! Shockwave for Director README.TXTa NOTEPAD README.TXTb 2. Read README.TXT.! Launching the Notepad to read README.TXT.d \README.TXT NOTEPADb 3. UnInstall Shockwave for Director.! UnInstalling Shockwave for Director.d Shockwave for Director - Setupa7 Are you sure you wish to delete Shockwave for Director?! \PLUGINS NP32DSW.DLL \PLUGINS$ \NP32DSW? Shockwave for Director Completed the Installation. Shockwave for Director - Setupa Completed the UnInstallation.+ Completed the Installation. Shockwave for Director - Setupa Completed the Installation.+ edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA There is not enough space to install these option(s). a9 Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.* SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _EWQX 3.00.062